greenwald consulting

RESEARCH > Focus Groups

Focus groups give you a feel for people’s attitudes and impressions.
Focus groups are typically a collection of 10-12 people, seated around a table and discussing a topic under the guidance of a focus group leader. When the sessions are held in a focus group facility the people funding the study can sit behind one way glass to watch the interaction. The data give you a qualitative sense of how your potential audience views the product or service they discussed. Focus groups can help you decide whether or not to open a new office, expand a service area, introduce something new, etc.

Client interviews
Competitive intelligence
External research
Focus groups
Internal research

For example -
A law firm wanted to introduce a web product to clients. They thought they knew what was wanted and needed. Focus group participants did not feel it was needed, and if it was, they wanted additional features. Result: the law firm shelved the idea.

Do You. . . .
            Want to open an office in another city?
            Want to introduce a new service?
            Know how your clients see the firm's strengths and weaknesses?