greenwald consulting


“If you don’t know where you are going, any road can get you there.”
So said the Cheshire Cat to Alice, in Alice in Wonderland. To create marketing strategies without research is to make unnecessary mistakes. Good research is decision focused. Research should always be used to help in making specific decisions. Not, “What’s my strategy?” but rather, “How can I get additional business from active clients?”

Save time and money; base your marketing decisions on research.
How often do you say, “I know. . . what my clients want, who my clients use, what they think of me. . . .” Probably too often.  And probably your answer is only partially correct. Our minds ellipse information, shorten time periods, remember snatches. To avoid miscalculations, use research to inform key decisions. There are many research avenues to choose among. Take the path that works for you.


Do You. . . .
Know all about your key clients?
Know which services are most profitable?
Know what your competition is doing?

If you are unsure about your responses
to these questions,

Consult Carol.


Client interviews
Competitive intelligence
External research
Focus groups
Internal research