greenwald consulting

STRATEGY > Communications programs >
                             Internal focus

Communications is the heart of marketing.
Discussion should begin at “home” with the colleagues sitting next to you. They need to understand what you do and what the benefits are so that they can explain your services to their clients and contacts. Colleagues need to know the “trigger words” that clients may say that translate into a need for your services.

Collegial trust takes time to create and continuous attention to keep.
Colleagues don’t automatically refer to each other. They typically refer to those they know well, whose work they rate as well-done, and whose response they can count on. To create this trust, you need to get to know your colleagues as friends. Meet with them often, discuss clients you might share and interests you have in common.

Marketing strategy
Business development process
Client focus
Communications programs
        Internal focus
        External focus

For Example -
Knowledge is Power

A large accounting firm found that its auditors had little idea what tax and advisory services did and vice versa. So we instituted Knowledge is Power breakfasts – monthly get-togethers with bagels and presenters who discussed their area of practice, identified their key clients, and explained how others could determine if a business needed their services. Result: more cross-selling and more respect for professionals in other parts of the firm.

Do You. . . .
            Know your colleagues well enough to refer them?
            Like and trust them enough to share your clients?
            Think your colleagues know and trust you enough to refer you?